Tendencias de remesas desde el 2021 y más allá

Las remesas son una fuente importante de ingresos para millones de personas en todo el mundo. A medida que el mundo sigue cambiando y evolucionando, también lo hacen las tendencias de remesas. En este artículo, exploraremos algunas de las tendencias de remesas más importantes desde el 2021 y más allá.

Mayor uso de tecnología

Una de las tendencias más importantes en remesas es el mayor uso de tecnología. Cada vez más personas están utilizando aplicaciones móviles y plataformas en línea para enviar y recibir dinero. Esto se debe en parte a la pandemia de COVID-19, que ha llevado a una mayor adopción de la tecnología en todas las áreas de la vida.

Las empresas de remesas también están utilizando tecnología para mejorar la eficiencia y reducir los costos. Por ejemplo, algunas empresas están utilizando tecnología blockchain para agilizar el proceso de envío de dinero y reducir las tarifas.

Mayor competencia

Otra tendencia importante en remesas es la mayor competencia entre los proveedores de servicios de remesas. A medida que más empresas entran en el mercado, los consumidores tienen más opciones para elegir. Esto ha llevado a una mayor presión sobre los proveedores de servicios de remesas para ofrecer tarifas más competitivas y servicios más rápidos y convenientes.

Mayor enfoque en la inclusión financiera

La inclusión financiera es otro tema importante en remesas. Muchas personas en todo el mundo no tienen acceso a servicios financieros básicos, como cuentas bancarias y tarjetas de crédito. Las empresas de remesas están trabajando para abordar este problema al ofrecer servicios financieros básicos a las personas que envían y reciben remesas.

Mayor énfasis en la seguridad y la protección

La seguridad y la protección son preocupaciones importantes para las personas que envían y reciben remesas. Las empresas de remesas están tomando medidas para mejorar la seguridad y proteger a sus clientes de fraudes y estafas. Esto incluye la implementación de medidas de seguridad adicionales, como la autenticación de dos factores y el cifrado de extremo a extremo.

Mayor atención a la sostenibilidad

La sostenibilidad es un tema cada vez más importante en todas las áreas de la vida, incluidas las remesas. Las empresas de remesas están trabajando para reducir su huella de carbono y mejorar la sostenibilidad de sus operaciones. Esto incluye la implementación de prácticas comerciales sostenibles y la inversión en proyectos de energía renovable y conservación del medio ambiente.


Las tendencias de remesas están evolucionando constantemente a medida que el mundo cambia y se adapta. Desde el mayor uso de la tecnología hasta la mayor atención a la sostenibilidad, las empresas de remesas están trabajando para mejorar la eficiencia, reducir los costos y ofrecer servicios más convenientes y seguros. Si bien es difícil predecir exactamente cómo evolucionarán las tendencias de remesas en el futuro, es seguro decir que seguirán siendo una fuente importante de ingresos para millones de personas en todo el mundo.

Entendiendo las tasas de cambio y cómo afectan tu dinero

Entendiendo las tasas de cambio y su impacto en tus transferencias de dinero al extranjero

Las tasas de cambio son un factor importante a considerar al enviar dinero al extranjero. Aunque puede parecer un concepto complicado, entender cómo funcionan las tasas de cambio puede ayudarte a ahorrar dinero en tus transferencias de dinero. En este artículo, explicaremos qué son las tasas de cambio, cómo se determinan y cómo afectan tu dinero.

¿Qué son las tasas de cambio?

Las tasas de cambio son la relación entre dos monedas diferentes. Por ejemplo, si deseas enviar dinero de Estados Unidos a México, necesitas cambiar tus dólares estadounidenses a pesos mexicanos. La tasa de cambio es el precio al que se intercambian las dos monedas. En otras palabras, es cuántos pesos mexicanos obtienes por cada dólar estadounidense.

¿Cómo se determinan las tasas de cambio?

Las tasas de cambio son determinadas por el mercado de divisas. El mercado de divisas es un mercado global descentralizado donde se negocian las monedas de diferentes países. La oferta y la demanda de cada moneda determina su precio en relación a otras monedas.

La oferta y la demanda de una moneda están influenciadas por muchos factores, como la economía del país, la inflación, las tasas de interés y los eventos geopolíticos. Por ejemplo, si un país tiene una economía fuerte y estable, es probable que su moneda sea más valiosa en comparación con una moneda de un país con una economía más débil.

¿Cómo afectan las tasas de cambio tu dinero?

Las tasas de cambio pueden tener un gran impacto en la cantidad de dinero que recibes al enviar dinero al extranjero. Si la tasa de cambio es desfavorable, es posible que recibas menos dinero del que esperabas. Por ejemplo, si la tasa de cambio es de 1 USD a 18 MXN, y deseas enviar $1000 USD a México, recibirás 18,000 MXN. Sin embargo, si la tasa de cambio cambia a 1 USD a 16 MXN, recibirás solo 16,000 MXN por tus $1000 USD.

Es importante tener en cuenta que los proveedores de servicios de remesas a menudo agregan una tarifa a la tasa de cambio para obtener ganancias. Por lo tanto, es esencial comparar las tasas de cambio y las tarifas de diferentes proveedores de servicios de remesas para asegurarte de obtener la mejor oferta.

Consejos para ahorrar dinero en tus transferencias de dinero

Aquí hay algunos consejos para ahorrar dinero en tus transferencias de dinero al entender las tasas de cambio:

  • Compara las tasas de cambio y las tarifas de diferentes proveedores de servicios de remesas antes de enviar dinero.
  • Considera enviar una cantidad mayor de dinero de una sola vez en lugar de varias transferencias más pequeñas. Al enviar una cantidad mayor, puedes obtener una tasa de cambio más favorable.
  • Siempre verifica la tasa de cambio actual antes de enviar dinero. Las tasas de cambio pueden fluctuar rápidamente, por lo que es importante estar actualizado.
  • Utiliza un proveedor de servicios de remesas confiable y seguro para proteger tu dinero.


Las tasas de cambio son un factor importante a considerar al enviar dinero al extranjero. Al entender cómo funcionan las tasas de cambio y cómo afectan tu dinero, puedes ahorrar dinero en tus transferencias de dinero. Recuerda comparar las tasas de cambio y las tarifas de diferentes proveedores de servicios de remesas antes de enviar dinero y utiliza un proveedor de servicios de remesas confiable y seguro para proteger tu dinero.

The Impact of Remittances on Developing Countries

Remittances, or money that is sent by migrant workers to their home countries, can have a significant impact on the economies of developing countries. These financial flows can help to reduce poverty and income inequality, stimulate economic growth, and improve living standards.

Remittances can provide a source of income for families and communities in developing countries, particularly in situations where there are few other opportunities for employment or economic development. They can be used to cover basic expenses such as food, housing, education, and healthcare, and can also be invested in small businesses or other income-generating activities.

Remittances can also play a role in reducing inequality by providing a source of income for poorer households. In some cases, remittances have been found to be more evenly distributed across income groups than other forms of aid, such as foreign aid or government spending.

If you are looking for a fast and accessible service to send remittances back home, try Félix Pago for $0 transfer fee on your first transaction.

Understanding Exchange Rates and How They Affect Your Money Transfer

If you’re planning to send money internationally, it’s important to understand how exchange rates can impact the cost of your transfer. In this post, we’ll explain what exchange rates are and how they work, as well as provide some tips on how to get the best rate when sending money abroad.

What are exchange rates?

Exchange rates are the price of one currency in terms of another. For example, if the exchange rate for US dollars to Euro is 1:0.9, it means that one US dollar is equal to 0.9 Euro. Exchange rates are constantly changing, and can be influenced by a variety of factors including interest rates, economic growth, and political stability.

How do exchange rates affect money transfers?

When you send money internationally, you’ll need to exchange your home currency for the currency of the country you’re sending money to. The exchange rate at the time of your transfer will determine how much of the recipient’s currency you’ll receive for your money. For example, if you’re sending US dollars to a friend in Europe and the exchange rate is 1:0.9, your friend will receive 90 Euro for every 100 US dollars you send.

If the exchange rate is favorable, you’ll get more of the recipient’s currency for your money. However, if the exchange rate is unfavorable, you’ll get less. This is why it’s important to keep an eye on exchange rates when sending money internationally.

How to get the best exchange rate for your money transfer

There are a few steps you can take to get the best exchange rate when sending money abroad:

  1. Shop around: Different money transfer companies and banks will offer different exchange rates, so it pays to shop around and compare rates before making a transfer. Check out Félix Pago, it offers really competitive rates combined with low transfer fees.
  2. Time your transfer wisely: Exchange rates can fluctuate on a daily basis, so if you’re able to wait for a more favorable rate, it might be worth holding off on your transfer until the rate improves. Take into account that Félix Pago will save you time by sending notifications when the exchange rate is favorable for the country you are sending to.
  3. Use a service with low fees: Some money transfer companies charge high fees for their services, which can eat into your transfer amount. Look for a company that charges low fees and offers competitive exchange rates. Félix only charges a $2.99 transfer fee, no matter the amount you send.
  4. Consider using a forex broker: Forex brokers specialize in buying and selling foreign currencies and may be able to secure a better exchange rate than you could on your own.

By understanding exchange rates and taking steps to get the best rate for your money transfer, you can maximize the amount of money that your recipient receives.

Try Félix Pago for $0 transfer fee on your first transaction.

The Future of Remittances: Predictions and Trends

The world of international money transfers, or remittances, is constantly evolving. With the rise of digital technologies, it’s easier than ever to send money to loved ones overseas. But what does the future hold for the remittances industry? Here are a few predictions and trends to keep an eye on:

  1. Increased use of digital platforms: It’s likely that more and more people will turn to online platforms and mobile apps to send money internationally. These methods are often faster, cheaper, and more convenient than traditional methods such as wire transfers.
  2. Growth in emerging markets: Remittance flows to developing countries are expected to continue growing in the coming years. This trend is driven by the increasing number of people working abroad and the growing middle class in many emerging markets.
  3. Greater regulatory oversight: As the remittance industry grows, it’s likely that governments and regulatory bodies will take a closer look at these transactions. This could lead to stricter regulations and more scrutiny of money transfer companies.
  4. Rise of fintech companies: Fintech firms that specialize in international money transfers are likely to become more popular as they offer innovative, cost-effective solutions. For example, Félix Pago only charges a $2.99 transfer fee per transaction at a very competitive exchange rate, the money is deposited within seconds directly to a bank account or it can also be sent to cash pick-up locations.
  5. Integration with other financial services: It’s possible that remittance companies will start offering other financial services such as loans, insurance, and investment products. This would allow them to create a more comprehensive suite of services for their customers.

Overall, the future of remittances looks bright, with continued growth and innovation on the horizon. As the industry evolves, it will be important for companies to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in order to stay competitive.

Stay up to date and try Félix Pago for $0 transfer fee on your first transaction.

Before You Use SWIFT for Your Next International Money Transfer, Consider These Factors

Sending money internationally can be a convenient and efficient way to transfer funds to friends, family, or businesses abroad. However, using the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) network, which is one of the most popular methods for international money transfers, can also come with some downsides.

One of the main disadvantages of using SWIFT is the cost. While the fees charged by SWIFT itself are relatively low, banks and other financial institutions that use the network often add their own fees, which can significantly increase the cost of the transfer. These fees can include charges for currency conversion, wire transfer fees, and other miscellaneous fees.

Another potential drawback of using SWIFT is the time it takes for the transfer to be completed. While SWIFT processes transfers quickly, it can take several days for the funds to be transferred from the sender’s bank to the recipient’s bank. This can be problematic if the transfer is time-sensitive or if the recipient needs access to the funds as soon as possible.

Another issue with using SWIFT is the lack of transparency in the fees charged. It can be difficult for senders to know exactly how much they will be charged for an international transfer, as the fees can vary widely depending on the banks and financial institutions involved. This lack of transparency can make it difficult for senders to budget for their transfers and can lead to unexpected charges.

Finally, using SWIFT also carries some risk. While the network is secure and has safeguards in place to protect against fraud, there have been instances of cyber attacks and other security breaches in the past. Senders should be aware of this risk and take steps to protect themselves, such as using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.

Overall, while SWIFT can be a convenient and efficient way to send money internationally, it is important for senders to be aware of the potential downsides, including the cost, the time it takes for the transfer to be completed, the lack of transparency in fees, and the risk of fraud. By understanding these factors, senders can make informed decisions about the best way to send money internationally.

If you need to transfer money abroad from the US try Félix Pago, the new way to send money across borders using WhatsApp for only $2.99 transfer fee.

Félix is a new service that allows people to send money to Latin America just by using your phone, people can transfer directly to a bank account or to cash pick-up locations. The transaction is done within minutes, exchange rates are really competitive and customer support is available 24/7.

Try Félix today for $0 transfer fee on your first transaction.

Félix Guide: Best Taco Places in New York

New York City is known for its diverse food scene, and tacos are no exception. From traditional Mexican flavors to fusion creations, there are endless options for taco lovers in the city. Here are some of the best taco places in New York City:

  1. Empellón Taqueria

Located in the West Village, Empellón Taqueria is known for its creative and delicious tacos. The menu changes frequently, but some standout options include the crispy shrimp taco with avocado and chipotle mayo, and the pork belly taco with kimchi and hoisin sauce. The restaurant also has a great selection of margaritas and other cocktails to pair with your tacos.

  1. Los Tacos No. 1

Located in Chelsea Market, Los Tacos No. 1 is a popular spot for authentic Mexican tacos. The menu is simple but delicious, with options like carne asada, al pastor, and pollo asado. The tacos are served on corn tortillas and topped with onions, cilantro, and salsa. The restaurant has a no-frills atmosphere, but the tacos are definitely worth it.

  1. Taqueria Diana

Taqueria Diana is a small, family-owned taqueria in the Upper West Side. The menu features traditional Mexican tacos, as well as burritos, quesadillas, and other Mexican favorites. Standout options include the carne asada and pollo asado tacos, as well as the cochinita pibil burrito. The restaurant has a friendly, casual atmosphere and is a great spot for a quick, tasty meal.

  1. Taqueria Y Fonda La Mexicana

Located in Williamsburg, Taqueria Y Fonda La Mexicana is a great spot for authentic Mexican tacos. The menu features a variety of meats, including carne asada, al pastor, and chorizo, as well as vegetarian options like grilled vegetables and huitlacoche. The restaurant also has a great selection of Mexican beers and cocktails to pair with your tacos.

  1. Tacocina

Located in the Meatpacking District, Tacocina is a trendy taco spot with a fun, beachy atmosphere. The menu features a variety of tacos, as well as other Mexican-inspired dishes like nachos, quesadillas, and Mexican street corn. Standout options include the crispy fish taco with chipotle aioli and the pork belly taco with pineapple and cilantro. The restaurant also has a great selection of margaritas and other cocktails.

These are just a few of the many great taco places in New York City. Whether you’re in the mood for traditional Mexican flavors or something more creative, there’s a taco spot in the city to suit your taste.

Feel like home while taking care of your family with Félix, send remittances back home for $0 transfer fee on your first transaction.

How to Save Money on Your International Money Transfers

Sending money overseas can be expensive, with fees and exchange rates adding up quickly. If you’re looking to save money on your international money transfers, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Compare providers: Not all money transfer providers are created equal. It’s important to shop around and compare fees, exchange rates, and other costs to find the best deal. Don’t just go with the first provider you find – take the time to research and compare your options to ensure you’re getting the best value. For example, some providers might have a good exchange rate with really high transfer fees; ideally find a good exchange rate with a low transfer fee.
  2. Use online money transfer services: Online money transfer services, such as Félix, can be a more affordable option for sending money overseas. These services often have lower fees and more favorable exchange rates than traditional methods, such as wire transfers or money orders. Félix only charges a $2.99 fee per transaction at very competitive rates.
  3. Use a service that offers fee-free transfers: Some money transfer providers offer fee-free transfers for certain amounts or for certain types of transfers. For example, some providers offer free transfers for first-time customers or for transfers over a certain amount. Be sure to check for these promotions and take advantage of them if they are available. Félix offers a $0 transfer fee on your first remittance, occasional promotions and referral rewards.
  4. Use a credit card with no foreign transaction fees: If you’re sending money via a credit card, be sure to choose a card with no foreign transaction fees. These fees can add up quickly and significantly increase the cost of your transfer. Services such as Félix don’t charge any additional amounts for credit or debit card payments, this will help you save overtime.
  5. Consider the exchange rate: The exchange rate is the rate at which one currency is converted into another. When sending money overseas, it’s important to consider the exchange rate, as it can significantly impact the cost of your transfer. To get the best exchange rate, consider using a provider that offers competitive rates. A great option is to use Félix, they notify you when the exchange rate considerably goes up, this way you’ll always know when it’s a good time to send money abroad.

By following these tips, you can save money on your international money transfers and make the most of your money. Whether you’re sending money to family, paying for goods or services, or conducting business transactions, these tips can help you keep costs down and stretch your budget further.

Try Félix for $0 transfer fee on your first transaction.

The Different Ways to Send Money Overseas and Which One is Right for You

Sending money overseas can be a complex process, with many different options available. It’s important to choose the right method for your needs, taking into consideration factors such as cost, speed, and security. Here are some of the different ways to send money overseas and how to determine which one is right for you:

  1. Wire transfers: A wire transfer is a electronic transfer of funds from one bank account to another. Wire transfers are typically fast and secure, but they can be expensive, with fees ranging from $20 to $50 or more. Wire transfers are a good option for larger sums of money or for situations where speed is important.
  2. Money orders: A money order is a prepaid financial document that can be used to send money through the mail. Money orders are typically less expensive than wire transfers, but they can be slower, as they need to be mailed to the recipient. Money orders are a good option for smaller amounts of money or for situations where the recipient doesn’t have a bank account.
  3. Online money transfer services: Online money transfer services, such as Félix, allow you to send money electronically from your bank account or credit card to a recipient’s account. Online money transfer services are typically fast and affordable, with fees ranging from a few dollars to a percentage of the amount transferred. These services are a good option for small to medium-sized transfers and for situations where the recipient has an account with the same service. Félix only charges a $2.99 transfer fee per transaction, the money arrives within a few seconds for direct bank deposits and a few minutes for cash pickups.
  4. Prepaid debit cards: Prepaid debit cards can be loaded with money and used to make purchases or withdraw cash at ATMs. Prepaid debit cards are a convenient option for recipients who don’t have a bank account or who live in areas without access to traditional banking services. However, prepaid debit cards can have fees for loading, withdrawing, and using the card, so it’s important to consider these costs when choosing this option.

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to compare costs and fees, as well as consider the speed and security of the transfer. By taking the time to research and compare your options, you can find the right solution for sending money overseas.

Try Félix for $0 transfer fee on your first transaction.

Connecting families across borders with fast and affordable money transfer services

Connecting families across borders can be a challenge, especially when it comes to sending and receiving money. Traditional money transfer methods, such as wire transfers and money orders, can be slow and costly, making it difficult for families to stay connected financially. Fortunately, there are now many fast and affordable options for sending money overseas, allowing families to easily and securely send and receive funds from anywhere in the world.

One of the most popular options for sending money overseas is online money transfer services. These services allow you to send money directly from your bank account or credit card to a recipient’s bank account or mobile wallet, often at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. Many online money transfer services offer fast delivery, with some able to deliver funds in as little as a few hours.

Félix Pago is a fast way to send money abroad for a great price. “Pay only $2.99, send as much money as you want at a very competitive rate”. Direct bank deposits arrive within seconds, while cash pickup locations take a few minutes.

Another option for connecting families across borders is prepaid debit cards. These cards can be loaded with money and used to make purchases or withdraw cash at ATMs. Prepaid debit cards can be a convenient option for families who don’t have a bank account or who live in areas without access to traditional banking services.

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to select a reputable provider that offers strong security measures to protect your financial information. Look for a provider that is regulated by financial authorities and has a good track record of customer satisfaction. Félix is a great option, since it is registered and regulated by The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury that is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws and regulations that combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes.

Sending money overseas doesn’t have to be a hassle. With the many fast and affordable options available today, it’s easier than ever for families to stay connected financially, no matter where they are in the world.

Try Félix for $0 transfer fee on your first transaction.