August 13, 2024

What is the naturalization letter?

Rodrigo Rangel
Content Lead
, Félix
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Many people believe that by marrying a Mexican citizen, or by having children in Mexico, they can automatically receive Mexican nationality, as well as a Mexican passport and a voting credential.

According to the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, nationality can be obtained by birth or by naturalization, the process of which is explained in the latter case by the Nationality Act.

What is the naturalization letter and what is it for?

The naturalization letter is the document issued in the name of foreign citizens who prove a permanent residence in Mexican territory, stating the card of the Ministry of the Interior, achieving to obtain Mexican nationality.

To do this, they must have been in the country for the last five years immediately preceding the date they made their request, as established by article 20 of the Nationality Act and article 14 of its corresponding Regulations. 

How to process a naturalization letter?

To process a naturalization letter, the following must be taken into account:

  1. To be of legal age and full use of the civil rights granted by the Constitution.
  2. Present to whoever is appropriate both the original and the copy of the DNN-3 application form, whose download is done upon registration.
  3. Deliver the original and two copies of the card issued by the Ministry of the Interior. 
  4. Get the Unique Population Registration Key (CURP).
  5. Deliver the original and the copy of the foreign birth certificate, issued by the Civil Registry and legalized by the Mexican consular official, or apostilled by whoever is responsible.
  6. If the birth certificate is written in another language, it must be translated into Spanish by an expert translator.
  7. Those who have been recognized as refugees by the Ministry of the Interior, they will not need this requirement and if they have your birth certificate, they must only provide two simple copies of the document.
  8. Deliver both the original and two legible photocopies of the foreign passport pages, or failing that, the current identification document.
  9. In case The passport has a valid issue, you must present a full copy of the previous passport, or the evidence of migratory flow of the National Institute for Migration.
  10. Deliver a letter together with two photocopies of it, where the number of departures and entries made to and from Mexico is indicated, in the two years preceding the submission of this request, and thus compute the absences during this time.
  11. Provide a certificate or proof of no criminal record, both in original and in photocopy, that has been generated by any competent authority at the local and federal levels.
  12. Demonstrate who speaks the Spanish language, who has knowledge about The history of Mexico and that it has been integrated into the country's culture.
  13. Submit two color, passport-size photos, with dimensions of 4.5 x 3.5 cm, whose background must be white, without wearing glasses and with a bare head.
  14. A couple of printed copies of the Unique Population Registration Key (CURP).
  15. Provide the original and the copy of the proof of payment of duties.

How to verify a naturalization letter?

That is done with a record of no history of naturalization, document that is issued to anyone who needs to search for background in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is required to send an email to the address, with which a series of documents must be attached in PDF format:

  • Free and signed written with which the interested party Make the request to search for the person for whom the record is needed, indicating the names by which the individual was known.
  • Copy of documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, immigration document, passport), that prove the kinship between the applicant and the person on whom the search is made.
  • Copy of the current official identification of the person making the request.
  • Proof of payment for the procedure.
  • Upon meeting the above requirements, the email will receive the Acknowledgement of receipt.
  • In a maximum of three months, the document will be delivered, for which the appointment with the corresponding day will be notified, by email, to withdraw this document.

Types of Naturalization Letters

There are several types of naturalization cards:

Naturalization letter by residence

Document issued to foreigners who can prove residence in Mexico, with the card issued by the Ministry of the Interior, to demonstrate the status of stay as a temporary resident, or permanent resident, for at least the five years preceding the date of the application.

Naturalization letter for having married a Mexican man or woman

It is a document for any foreign citizen who marries a Mexican man or woman, and prove permanent or temporary residence with the card issued by the Ministry of the Interior, for at least two years before the date of the application.

Naturalization letter for having Mexican children by birth

Document that is given to foreigners, who have had Mexican children by birth and are able to prove for at least two years before making this request, a temporary or permanent residence in the country, using the card issued by the Ministry of the Interior.

Naturalization letter for being a native of a Latin American country or the Iberian Peninsula

Document issued for foreigners born in Latin America, or in the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain), and that they can demonstrate temporary or permanent residence in Mexico for at least two years before their request.

Definitely, the naturalization letter is the document issued so that foreigners resident in Mexico can obtain Mexican nationality, complying with the above-mentioned requirements.